Tel: (817) 987-1079        Referral Fax: (817) 422-0781

Strictly by appointment. Closed Sundays

Texas: (817) 987-1079

New Mexico: (817) 751-3494


Welcome to F.A.S.T Behavioral Health Clinic


F.A.S.T Behavioral Health Clinic offers services in Texas and New Mexico. As a private clinic, we strive to provide quality psychiatric and behavioral health services for individuals impacted by mental health illnesses.


We believe that every individual has the right to enjoy good health and wellbeing, and we have made it our mission to support our clients in achieving healing, comfort and the highest quality of life. Our goal is to combine traditional office-based practices with online telepsychiatry treatments to thereby promote wellness, health, and hope at your comfort. We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a spectrum of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. 


To schedule your appointment, call us at 817-987-1079 (Texas) or 817-751-3494. For providers and physicians, please fax referrals to 817-422-0781.


Strictly by appointment.

We are closed on Sundays. 



F.A.S.T BHC accepts most major insurances and commercial plans.

Feel free to contact us on the latest insurance panels with which we are credentialed.

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